It’s a new year and at the top of most entrepreneurs’ lists of resolutions is to be more productive. Productivity matters. It is the sign of an effective entrepreneur. Planning for productivity brings results and results are what influence your bottom-line.
However, far too many entrepreneurs believe that being productive means always being busy. Somehow, we have become conditioned to think that if we’re always buzzing around things will get done and long-term results will occur. We have been taught that depriving ourselves of sleep and working extremely long hours are the keys to productivity.
I have never bought into this definition of productivity. I don’t believe that you need to operate on ‘E’ to run an effective business. When you get caught up in this notion that being busy is synonymous with being productive, you run the risk of getting less done in more time or operating from a place of chaos instead of clarity. On the contrary, I believe that productivity is the product of planning. Planning your operations, your projects, and your time will lead to results.
Operations management refers to
“all the activities, processes and controls a small business uses to produce its products and services.” – Canadian Entrepreneur Training
The main goal of operations management is to create optimal outputs from various input sources. Operations
Think about the main product or service that you offer. Can you explicitly outline the steps you take from conception to the moment it delivers value to your customers? Do you have these steps documented? This is an example of a process flow and it is extremely important to the productivity of your business. Clear systems should be in place for every task that is repeated in your business.
Clear systems and processes make your business run like clockwork as they promote consistency, efficiency, and effectiveness. Imagine having to decide on your process every time a potential client contacts you. This can be a huge time-waster. Additionally, systems and processes remove any confusion when it comes to teamwork. Every member of the team will be aware of the stages of the process for which they are responsible. This removes doubt and ambiguity and saves time. Thus, contributing to productive business operations.
Your systems and processes should cover every important task in your business. I will encourage every entrepreneur to take the time to meticulously outline all the processes involved in business operations. Trust me, it will save you time and money in the long-run.
This tip is particularly useful to my fellow consultants and service providers. It is important to have a clear plan whenever you embark on a new project. I do this by creating a very detailed proposal as soon as I am hired for a consultation project. My rationale behind this is that for the duration of the project I will spend less time thinking and planning and more time ‘doing’. This results in a more effective project process.
Project planning ensures that you are clear on your goals and the steps needed to achieve them. Once you know that you have mapped out the big picture for any project regardless of size, you can be confident in your work and your actions. The simple exercise of project planning can have real benefits to your overall productivity.
Every entrepreneur I know fantasises about having more than 24 hours in a day to get everything done. I too am aware of the struggle. We have to juggle our day-to-day operations, produce our products or services, and balance our everyday lives. This is where time-management can greatly influence your productivity. Failure to do so will certainly result in stress, exhaustion, and a general sense of burning out. You can easily find yourself working an 80-hour week with little progress made on your long-term goals.
These are a few techniques that have proven to be effective exercises in productive time management:
- Prioritising– Entrepreneurs have extensive ‘to-do’ lists. However, you should focus on high-value activities. This is where operations planning also plays a role. You will realise that some activities can be automated or even outsourced when you outline your systems and processes.
- Deciding on work hours– Yes, I said it…work hours. As an entrepreneur, you are the creator of your own hours. You are also the enforcer of your free time. Even entrepreneurs deserve free time. However, deciding on work hours may not necessarily mean having a solid 9-5. It means that you decide on the tasks that need to be completed each week and the amount of time that each task requires. You can then decide on the days and times devoted to each task. This allows you to work with purpose and can greatly influence your productivity.
- Scheduling time for strategy and brainstorming– It’s easy to become so engrossed ‘in’
your business that you neglect the work required ‘on’ your business. Never become so busy that you lose sight of your overall long-term goals. After all, your daily, weekly, and monthly tasks should all be geared towards achieving your goals.
The quest for productivity as an entrepreneur is never going to be an easy one. You may need to tweak your strategy several times before you find out the processes and schedules that bring the best results for you and your business.
Start your year off right and spend some time planning your operations, your projects, and your time. I promise that these will enhance your productivity, reduce burnout, and reap dividends for your business.
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